Caregiver and Caretaker APPS

Caregiver responsibilities are many, and few solutions are available to adequately coordinate them. Our APPS give control back to caregivers and caretakers, enabling them to digitise their day-to-day. This enables better management and tracking of activities, appointments, schedules, and more. Healthcare organisations now look to leverage cutting-edge online digital channels (mobile, cloud, analytics, wearables, etc.) as a strategy to increase patient reach and interaction, patient flow, improve treatment outcomes, improve revenue flow, and improve productivity through innovative, high-impact new models of healthcare delivery to keep them at the forefront of excellence and higher patient satisfaction.

Our mobile solutions for practise management and patient engagement include EMR, homecare monitoring and reporting systems, self-learning applications, wellness & fitness tools, DIY medical tests, report generation, lab result integration and delivery, analytical and statistic augmentation, financials, inventory management, patient screening, and other features that help you equip users, build engagement, monetize, and influence.

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